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Lo stroke in età pediatrica: problematica emergente ancora misconosciuta
Valentina Talarico1, Domenico Bosco2, Virginia Vescio3, Eulalia Galea4, Roberto Miniero1, Maria Concetta Galati4, Giuseppe Raiola1
1Dipartimento di Pediatria, AO Pugliese-Ciaccio di Catanzaro
2 SOC Neurologia, AO Pugliese-Ciaccio di Catanzaro
3 SOC Radiologia, AO Pugliese-Ciaccio di Catanzaro
4SOC Oncoematologia pediatrica, AO Pugliese-Ciaccio di Catanzaro
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3) Sarecka-Hujar B, KopytaI. Risk Factors for Recurrent Arterial Ischemic Stroke in Children and Young Adults. Brain Sci. 2020 Jan 2;10(1):24.
4) Lee-Jayaram JJ, Goerner LN, Yamamoto LG. Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Brain in the Pediatric Emergency Department. Pediatr Emerg Care. 2020 Dec;36(12):586-590.
5) Collins-Sawaragi YC, Walker H, Sanpera-Iglesias J. RCPCH Stroke in Childhood Guidelines: how well are these being followed? Arch Dis Child. 2020 May 13.
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11) Sarecka-Hujar B, Kopyta I. Antiphospholipid syndrome and its role in pediatric cerebrovascular diseases: A literature review. World J Clin Cases. 202;8(10):1806-1817
12) Carlson HL, Craig BT, Hilderley AJ, et al. Structural and functional connectivity of motor circuits after perinatal stroke: A machine learning study.
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13) Dunbar M, Kirton A. Perinatal Stroke. Semin Pediatr Neurol. 2019 Dec;32:100767.
14) Malone LA, Felling RJ. Pediatric Stroke: Unique Implications of the Immature Brain on Injury and Recovery. Pediatr Neurol. 2020;102:3-9.
15) Rajani NK, Pearce K, Campion T, et al. Pediatric stroke: current diagnostic and management challenges. Quant Imaging Med Surg. 2018 Nov;8(10):984-991.